Sunday 12 June 2022

Film Review – Jurassic Fart AKA Jurassic World Dominion

In coming out of the theatre and already thinking about what I could write for the review, I very quickly came back to the Star Wars review I posted recently, and I feel it's worth excepting a small piece here because a lot of it applied.

It has all the action, spectacle, and explosapaloosa dinosauraloosa you could expect from a Star Wars Jurassic Park film, ties up most of the loose ends (including some from the original films) in a competent and stylish manner, and if you like your big-screen films to be really big you should see this one on a big screen.


And that says it all really.

So, for the wordy part of the review.

For me, this film had a really serious case of sequelitis i.e they tried to top the previous movies by making everything bigger.

Bigger dinos to use the magic hand on

More action, more special effects, more plot lines, more characters. More, more MORE! You could substitute bigger for more in that sentence and it wouldn’t be wrong or out of place.

You see, speaking for myself only, more, or indeed bigger, isn’t necessarily better. Yes the action scenes are great, but some absolutely lack an edge of believability, which I can’t expand on and keep the review spoiler-free. Yes, the special effects are amazing but honestly it’s a case of been there done that got the shirt (though I did like the live-action dinos credit at the end). Yes, the expansion of the cast and plot was interesting, but not really necessary, and didn’t add much to the actual movie for me.

No magical contract bringing the dead to life AKA Dynasty!

None of this stopped me from enjoying the spectacle or indeed the film. I’ll just point out that the first one had me on the edge of my seat many times, a quality this one lacked in many respects (again I can’t point out specifics without giving plot elements away). I thought it was too long, had too many plot strands, and wasn't always sure of what film it wanted to be. I also thought the ending was a tiny bit ‘meh’, but given that they clearly don’t intend to make another (for a while at least) I see why it ended as it did. Still, I’ll point out again that none of this stops the film from being an enjoyable piece of Saturday entertainment well worth seeing on a big screen. 

So to finish I’ll except once more the Star Wars review:-‘Finally, yes, in my view, you should go watch this. I enjoyed it and will no doubt see it again. It has great spectacle, really good performances, and is a lot of fun.

For me, though, it could have been so much more.'

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