Saturday 28 May 2022

Trip to the Cinema - Top Gun Maverick

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This is my first film review for a long time. I’ve not been to the cinema much at all for ages. I blame work. So there.

Most of you will have already decided whether you’re going to see this or not already. If you happened to be undecided, it’s well worth seeing and if you’re going to see it, for goodness’ sake see it on the big screen, don’t bother with this small screen rubbish

Full review here:-

 Maverick has been 40-odd years in the making. Do I care - not really. What I'm doing here for the first time is getting to one of the subjects I promised I was going to blog about! 

When I walked into the cinema I did almost wonder if they’d taken the old film off the shelf and just started to show it again. There was the danger zone song, Tom Cruise looking pretty much like he did in the 80’s (I am pretty sure that he had been preserved in amber honestly) and all the stuff you’d expect. My first thought was ‘Oh no, here we go again, yet another triumph of style over substance.’   

You know. I was wrong. This is a film of surprising depth. Yes, you’ll guess the plot within 10 minutes. Yes, the visuals are incredible, and all the more so because the aerial scenes were practical, and apparently had no CGI. Yes, there are chiseled jaws, cheesy soundtracks, Mav riding along on a motorcycle for no good reason, and a bunch of guys pratting around on a beach showing off their six-packs. 

But; I was absolutely shocked by the depth of the character and emotional beats, the clever tie-ins to what had gone before, and was even surprised by one or two things in particular, which I won’t mention because I am trying to keep this review spoiler-free. I actually ‘cared’ about the characters (as much as you can in a film of this nature and far more than I expected to) and I was totally immersed throughout. 


So this film delivers in every way you’d expect and a whole lot more. So long as you’re prepared to switch your brain off, ignore how absolutely anorexic most of the plot is and go along with what’s there, this is great, but then what did you expect? It's Top Gun for goodness sake!

 I was riveted throughout. See it on the biggest screen with the best sound system and prepare to be blown away.

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